Information sessions
Take part to a personalized information session according to your needs and led by one of your advisors.
It’s free!
Our information sessions:
Health and Social Services Complaints Examination procedure
Information about users’ rights in health and social services.
- Option to file a complaint when dissatisfied about care and services.
- Report
- Request for intervention
- Available options
- Recourses
- Assistance and support from CAAP
CAAP on the lease (Private seniors' residence)
Information about tenants rights and responsibilities in a private seniors’ residence (PSR)
- Lease
- Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) rules :
- notice of increase, deadline, costs, etc.
- agreement with the owner
- joint application
- individual recourse to TAL
- assistance and support from CAAP according to the option you choose
- Les droits, les responsabilités et les recours des usagers
- Les modalités entourant le processus d’une plainte dans le cadre du Régime d’examen des plaintes
Contactez-nous pour planifier votre séance d’informations.
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